JM and I just returned from a one week vacation in the Bay Area out in California. It was one of the best trips we have had there. We got to eat at Green's Restaurant, hang out in Monterey and Big Sur, hike Big Basin, tour Napa Valley, hang out with some good friends from Nijmegen in Daly City, hit the beach in Santa Cruz and carve pumpkins with Brendan in Los Gatos. One of the highlights was definitely hanging out in Oakland at Yoshi's for sushi (all veggie) and a Bill Frissell concert. It was a really great show. Bill played with Russell Malone, so it was just two guitars on stage.
The best of the whole trip, however, was that my sub-chorionic bleed has fully resolved itself and I can exercise as much as I want again. We had our second ultra-sound on 10/2 and little tillema is growing a lot! We heard the heart beat and saw the hands and feet! I am going to go ahead and post two of the ultrasound pics here and catch all of you up more later. We got home late last night after picking up Cider at my brother's house in Lexington and we have tons to do before the week starts.
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