Yesterday afternoon I went in for my 16 week OB visit. Everything is still on track and I am doing great. Little t's heart was beating at 150 bpm which is great! My blood pressure was excellent, and I am measuring exactly where I need to be measuring for this stage in the game. While we were listening to the heartbeat, little t was kicking or punching and we could hear four loud thumps over the doppler. I cannot feel any movement yet, but little t is certainly trying to let me know that he/she is active in there.
I talked to my doctor about the hypno-birthing classes that JM and I are going to take and asked her about her views regarding un-medicated, natural childbirths. She said that I was a great candidate and that she fully supported me in the type of delivery that I want to have. She was very understanding and she let me know ,that if at all possible, she totally prefers vaginal births to c-sections. This was really great to hear considering that the United States has a really high c-section rate (30-something%). Of course, in some instances, c-sections are necessary, but I am hoping that I can make it through a natural childbirth. She delivered two babies naturally just last week! We also discussed the hospital that I will be delivering at which helped me to feel really good about where the baby will be born. All of the delivery and post-partum rooms are private and they all have showers, birthing stools and birthing balls. There are also jacuzzi tubs that are available to laboring women if they need to relax in some warm water for a while.
Overall the visit was really great and I am feeling really happy with the choices we have made thus far. The next appointment is scheduled for 12/15, where I will meet with a midwife and get our 22 week ultrasound scheduled. We are still discussing whether or not we want to find out the sex of the baby before it is born, but if we want to know, they would be able to tell us during that ultrasound.
That is all for now. I think that my baby bump is just starting to become noticeable, so shortly we will post some photos!
JAAAAAAAH foto's binnenkort!
En tante magda heeft weer internet en computer dus kan alles vanaf nu op de voet of moet ik zeggen baby volgen! Tot snel hihaa!
dikke kus
Aww, isn't that the best getting to hear the heartbeat? It sounds like you are in excellent hands. It's so important to have a caregiver who is a believer in the birth plan you have in mind. You guys are always in our thoughts! xox
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