I cannot believe how fast time is flying. In one week, we will be at the halfway mark in this pregnancy. Little t is definitely starting to make him or herself known. As you can see in this photo, my belly is starting to grow for real. My pants are very uncomfortable to button and I only feel like wearing clothes that are soft and that have a ton of stretch!
JM and I spent some time over the weekend working on the nursery. We have the walls painted and need to move on to the trim. I am glad that the project is coming along. We also took some time combining our guest room and office into one room. Space is a little tight, but we are making an Ikea run this weekend for some new wall shelving which should help make more space on either side of our gigantic 1950s-era wooden desk, one which I acquired from a law firm I worked for a few years ago.
Here are a couple of before and after photos for the paint color. I am not really happy with the quality of this photo - but I can assure you that the paint looks great in the room and when we get all of the cute bedding and baby furniture and the polka dot decals on the walls, the room is going to be adorable! I cannot wait to get it finished so that I can post photos here!

Prenatal Yoga was amazing last week! I am going to a 6:30 class tonight. The instructor is amazing - very kind and very supportive and she even rubs your back in child's pose! During last week's class (they last an hour) we spent the first 10 minutes working on a special breathing technique that is supposed to come in handy during labor. We then we moved into a series of active poses for the next 40 minutes, including downward looking dog, triangle pose, the warrior series and yoga lunges. The final 10 minutes were spent in shivasana in a modified posture with lots of back and belly support with folded blankets and pillows. The room smells like lavender and the entire class is given in candlelight. I was one of three expectant women who attended the class, which really makes it feel like you are being given private lessons. I am looking forward to tonight!
In further news, I have my next prenatal visit scheduled for 12/15 with the midwife that works with my group of providers. I am looking forward to hearing little t's heartbeat once again and I hope to get my 22 week ultrasound scheduled at that point as well. JM and I will get one last chance to see little t before his/her entrance into the world!
Be well,
1 comment:
tears in my eyes. no words can explain what is in my heart. much love to you, jm and little t
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