Wow! I cannot believe that am officially at the halfway mark in this pregnancy. I had my 20 week ob visit yesterday and everything is going really great. I met with the one midwife who works with my group of physicians, Cindy, who was very nice and encouraged JM and I to write a birth plan so that all of the doctors and nurses at the hospital will know of our wishes when it comes to the delivery.
My blood pressure was perfect, I am measuring right at the belly button which is normal for 20 weeks, and I have gained 6 pounds during this pregnancy so far. Little t only weighs about a one pound, so the rest of the weight is blood, water, "maternal stores" aka fat, and extra breast weight according to the midwife. Of course, we listened to little t's heart, which is beating strong, and I scheduled our 20+week ultrasound for January 8, 2009 at 8:00 am. JM will come with me and we will get to see the baby and if we want, we can find out if it is a boy or a girl. Mooi!
In other news, I finally started on little t's baby blanket. The yarn is rich red and will match the nursery perfectly. It is going to take a bit of effort getting it completed, but I love the yarn and the pattern and I think little t will love to be bundled up in such a cozy, warm blanket!
This week is flying by and we are really busy as we prepare to leave on Saturday for the Netherlands for Christmas vacation. We are very excited to get to spend the holidays with JM's family and we are looking forward to a relaxing trip!
Tonight, we will post a new belly shot and the beginnings of the blanket.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
We have movement!!
Hi Everyone!
Yesterday I officially felt the baby move for the first time. At first it felt like popcorn popping, then I felt a swoosh go across my belly that felt like a paintbrush stroke from the inside! It is so exciting. Up until this point, I have not been able to feel anything really distinguishable, but the fluttery sensation that I am getting now can only be little t moving around in there!!!!!!
It happened last night again, and in fact, I can feel the baby moving as I type this update. It is a really amazing to finally feel this little person inside of me. The first time it felt a little strange and I was not sure what to make of it, but as soon as it stopped for a while, I found myself wishing that it would happen again! JM is really excited that as well. I know that he wishes he could feel the baby move too, but that will take a little more time.
I am just about to leave the office to go pick up some yarn I ordered for little t's baby blanket. I will post pictures of the yarn shortly!
Have a great day and I will post another update soon!
Yesterday I officially felt the baby move for the first time. At first it felt like popcorn popping, then I felt a swoosh go across my belly that felt like a paintbrush stroke from the inside! It is so exciting. Up until this point, I have not been able to feel anything really distinguishable, but the fluttery sensation that I am getting now can only be little t moving around in there!!!!!!
It happened last night again, and in fact, I can feel the baby moving as I type this update. It is a really amazing to finally feel this little person inside of me. The first time it felt a little strange and I was not sure what to make of it, but as soon as it stopped for a while, I found myself wishing that it would happen again! JM is really excited that as well. I know that he wishes he could feel the baby move too, but that will take a little more time.
I am just about to leave the office to go pick up some yarn I ordered for little t's baby blanket. I will post pictures of the yarn shortly!
Have a great day and I will post another update soon!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
19 Week Update

I cannot believe how fast time is flying. In one week, we will be at the halfway mark in this pregnancy. Little t is definitely starting to make him or herself known. As you can see in this photo, my belly is starting to grow for real. My pants are very uncomfortable to button and I only feel like wearing clothes that are soft and that have a ton of stretch!
JM and I spent some time over the weekend working on the nursery. We have the walls painted and need to move on to the trim. I am glad that the project is coming along. We also took some time combining our guest room and office into one room. Space is a little tight, but we are making an Ikea run this weekend for some new wall shelving which should help make more space on either side of our gigantic 1950s-era wooden desk, one which I acquired from a law firm I worked for a few years ago.
Here are a couple of before and after photos for the paint color. I am not really happy with the quality of this photo - but I can assure you that the paint looks great in the room and when we get all of the cute bedding and baby furniture and the polka dot decals on the walls, the room is going to be adorable! I cannot wait to get it finished so that I can post photos here!

Prenatal Yoga was amazing last week! I am going to a 6:30 class tonight. The instructor is amazing - very kind and very supportive and she even rubs your back in child's pose! During last week's class (they last an hour) we spent the first 10 minutes working on a special breathing technique that is supposed to come in handy during labor. We then we moved into a series of active poses for the next 40 minutes, including downward looking dog, triangle pose, the warrior series and yoga lunges. The final 10 minutes were spent in shivasana in a modified posture with lots of back and belly support with folded blankets and pillows. The room smells like lavender and the entire class is given in candlelight. I was one of three expectant women who attended the class, which really makes it feel like you are being given private lessons. I am looking forward to tonight!
In further news, I have my next prenatal visit scheduled for 12/15 with the midwife that works with my group of providers. I am looking forward to hearing little t's heartbeat once again and I hope to get my 22 week ultrasound scheduled at that point as well. JM and I will get one last chance to see little t before his/her entrance into the world!
Be well,
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
18 Week and 1 day Update
How is everyone out there? I am doing great, as are Little T and Big T as we now refer to JM. JM began working on preparing the soon to be nursery for a coat of paint - both walls and woodwork last week. The nursery is going to be so cute, I cannot wait to have it finished so that I can show everyone photos! We only have a few things purchased thus far, but I am sure that as the weeks roll on - we will start accumulating everything we need for little t. I have been busy with work - both AF4Q and with my teaching schedule, but even though I am busy I have enough energy to keep it going with ease.
We had a great Thanksgiving last week - we had some friends and family over to celebrate. Great food, great conversation, and a roaring fire in the fireplace made for a great evening. JM and I spent a little time over the weekend on leaf control in our yard - and we even dug up and potted a sage plant from our garden that the frost hadn't killed! It is now on one of our kitchen windowsills.
On Sunday, I finally went shopping for some maternity clothes. Even though I am not totally in need of all things stretchy just yet - I have to admit that the buttons on all of my pants were starting to irritate my slowly growing belly. Today, I am officially wearing maternity jeans for the first time! They are super comfy - but it is strange to pull your jeans on and off like sweatpants instead of zipping and buttoning them. I ended up getting two pairs of jeans, a pair of black work pants, a work skirt, 4 sweaters, 4 shirts and a new pair of pj's to bring with me to Nederland for Christmas. Everything was so on sale and I got great deals! Lots of buy 1, get 1 free. I am happy to finally have some super comfortable clothes - that have tons of growing room!
Tonight I am attending my first prenatal yoga class. I have been practicing yoga for a few years now with regularity - and I have been doing prenatal yoga at home, but I am really looking forward to taking a class with other expectant women. The class is offered twice a week - on both Tuesday evenings and Saturday afternoons.
I hope everyone is healthy and happy. More to come soon!
How is everyone out there? I am doing great, as are Little T and Big T as we now refer to JM. JM began working on preparing the soon to be nursery for a coat of paint - both walls and woodwork last week. The nursery is going to be so cute, I cannot wait to have it finished so that I can show everyone photos! We only have a few things purchased thus far, but I am sure that as the weeks roll on - we will start accumulating everything we need for little t. I have been busy with work - both AF4Q and with my teaching schedule, but even though I am busy I have enough energy to keep it going with ease.
We had a great Thanksgiving last week - we had some friends and family over to celebrate. Great food, great conversation, and a roaring fire in the fireplace made for a great evening. JM and I spent a little time over the weekend on leaf control in our yard - and we even dug up and potted a sage plant from our garden that the frost hadn't killed! It is now on one of our kitchen windowsills.
On Sunday, I finally went shopping for some maternity clothes. Even though I am not totally in need of all things stretchy just yet - I have to admit that the buttons on all of my pants were starting to irritate my slowly growing belly. Today, I am officially wearing maternity jeans for the first time! They are super comfy - but it is strange to pull your jeans on and off like sweatpants instead of zipping and buttoning them. I ended up getting two pairs of jeans, a pair of black work pants, a work skirt, 4 sweaters, 4 shirts and a new pair of pj's to bring with me to Nederland for Christmas. Everything was so on sale and I got great deals! Lots of buy 1, get 1 free. I am happy to finally have some super comfortable clothes - that have tons of growing room!
Tonight I am attending my first prenatal yoga class. I have been practicing yoga for a few years now with regularity - and I have been doing prenatal yoga at home, but I am really looking forward to taking a class with other expectant women. The class is offered twice a week - on both Tuesday evenings and Saturday afternoons.
I hope everyone is healthy and happy. More to come soon!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
16 Week Update
Yesterday afternoon I went in for my 16 week OB visit. Everything is still on track and I am doing great. Little t's heart was beating at 150 bpm which is great! My blood pressure was excellent, and I am measuring exactly where I need to be measuring for this stage in the game. While we were listening to the heartbeat, little t was kicking or punching and we could hear four loud thumps over the doppler. I cannot feel any movement yet, but little t is certainly trying to let me know that he/she is active in there.
I talked to my doctor about the hypno-birthing classes that JM and I are going to take and asked her about her views regarding un-medicated, natural childbirths. She said that I was a great candidate and that she fully supported me in the type of delivery that I want to have. She was very understanding and she let me know ,that if at all possible, she totally prefers vaginal births to c-sections. This was really great to hear considering that the United States has a really high c-section rate (30-something%). Of course, in some instances, c-sections are necessary, but I am hoping that I can make it through a natural childbirth. She delivered two babies naturally just last week! We also discussed the hospital that I will be delivering at which helped me to feel really good about where the baby will be born. All of the delivery and post-partum rooms are private and they all have showers, birthing stools and birthing balls. There are also jacuzzi tubs that are available to laboring women if they need to relax in some warm water for a while.
Overall the visit was really great and I am feeling really happy with the choices we have made thus far. The next appointment is scheduled for 12/15, where I will meet with a midwife and get our 22 week ultrasound scheduled. We are still discussing whether or not we want to find out the sex of the baby before it is born, but if we want to know, they would be able to tell us during that ultrasound.
That is all for now. I think that my baby bump is just starting to become noticeable, so shortly we will post some photos!
Yesterday afternoon I went in for my 16 week OB visit. Everything is still on track and I am doing great. Little t's heart was beating at 150 bpm which is great! My blood pressure was excellent, and I am measuring exactly where I need to be measuring for this stage in the game. While we were listening to the heartbeat, little t was kicking or punching and we could hear four loud thumps over the doppler. I cannot feel any movement yet, but little t is certainly trying to let me know that he/she is active in there.
I talked to my doctor about the hypno-birthing classes that JM and I are going to take and asked her about her views regarding un-medicated, natural childbirths. She said that I was a great candidate and that she fully supported me in the type of delivery that I want to have. She was very understanding and she let me know ,that if at all possible, she totally prefers vaginal births to c-sections. This was really great to hear considering that the United States has a really high c-section rate (30-something%). Of course, in some instances, c-sections are necessary, but I am hoping that I can make it through a natural childbirth. She delivered two babies naturally just last week! We also discussed the hospital that I will be delivering at which helped me to feel really good about where the baby will be born. All of the delivery and post-partum rooms are private and they all have showers, birthing stools and birthing balls. There are also jacuzzi tubs that are available to laboring women if they need to relax in some warm water for a while.
Overall the visit was really great and I am feeling really happy with the choices we have made thus far. The next appointment is scheduled for 12/15, where I will meet with a midwife and get our 22 week ultrasound scheduled. We are still discussing whether or not we want to find out the sex of the baby before it is born, but if we want to know, they would be able to tell us during that ultrasound.
That is all for now. I think that my baby bump is just starting to become noticeable, so shortly we will post some photos!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
15 Week Update

Hello Everyone!
I can hardly believe how fast time is flying! I am 15 weeks and 1 day today and feeling great. JM and I spent part of this morning raking up some major leaves. I am working from home today, and JM has a Noon-9 pm schedule this week. It makes scheduling a little hectic this week, but I think JM really likes to have the mornings free.

We are getting ready for Thanksgiving (planning the menu and seeing who will be able to make it) and we finally got our tickets to go see the Tillema family in Nederland for Christmas.
Work for me is really busy right now, and I start a new term at the community college tomorrow. We switched text books last term, which meant that when I got assigned two COMP I sections instead of my normal COMP II, I had to spend a large portion of last evening writing a new syllabus and coming up with new assignment sheets, quizzes, in-class writings, etc.
Well, that is what is happening with us. I have my third OB visit next week and will update everyone again then!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
13 Weeks and Counting!
Hello Everyone,
It has been quite a while since I posted anything. Things have been very hectic around the Tillema house. After returning from California, I went to New Orleans for a conference. It was very exciting to "step it up" professionally. Mom picked me up at the airport and helped me go through all of the upstairs closets and the basement to get it organized prior to little tillema's arrival. I feel the need to get everything in order. We filled many garbage bags and got a load of stuff dropped off at Goodwill. A few things got put to the curb for the junk man who visits our neighborhood every Thursday evening.
Then, the very next week Freek and Jet came to visit van Nederland. We had a fun time with them and even rented a cabin in Red River Gorge. It was beautiful weather and we built a roaring campfire! JM was worried that I was standing too close to the fire and that I could accidentally BBQ little t. My tummy was extra warm that night!
Now that the first trimester is almost over, I feel that I have more to do than I can get done. I am so excited for what our lives will be like once the baby is here. I am not showing yet, but I can wait! At my second ob visit, they told me that I had actually lost two pounds. I know that all of that is about to change.
I am going to start posting belly photos as soon as there is something to post. Most of my friends showed by 16 weeks, so I have a feeling that by the end of November, I will be buying my first pair of maternity jeans!
More to come!
It has been quite a while since I posted anything. Things have been very hectic around the Tillema house. After returning from California, I went to New Orleans for a conference. It was very exciting to "step it up" professionally. Mom picked me up at the airport and helped me go through all of the upstairs closets and the basement to get it organized prior to little tillema's arrival. I feel the need to get everything in order. We filled many garbage bags and got a load of stuff dropped off at Goodwill. A few things got put to the curb for the junk man who visits our neighborhood every Thursday evening.
Then, the very next week Freek and Jet came to visit van Nederland. We had a fun time with them and even rented a cabin in Red River Gorge. It was beautiful weather and we built a roaring campfire! JM was worried that I was standing too close to the fire and that I could accidentally BBQ little t. My tummy was extra warm that night!
Now that the first trimester is almost over, I feel that I have more to do than I can get done. I am so excited for what our lives will be like once the baby is here. I am not showing yet, but I can wait! At my second ob visit, they told me that I had actually lost two pounds. I know that all of that is about to change.
I am going to start posting belly photos as soon as there is something to post. Most of my friends showed by 16 weeks, so I have a feeling that by the end of November, I will be buying my first pair of maternity jeans!
More to come!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Bijna 11 weken! Almost 11 weeks!

JM and I just returned from a one week vacation in the Bay Area out in California. It was one of the best trips we have had there. We got to eat at Green's Restaurant, hang out in Monterey and Big Sur, hike Big Basin, tour Napa Valley, hang out with some good friends from Nijmegen in Daly City, hit the beach in Santa Cruz and carve pumpkins with Brendan in Los Gatos. One of the highlights was definitely hanging out in Oakland at Yoshi's for sushi (all veggie) and a Bill Frissell concert. It was a really great show. Bill played with Russell Malone, so it was just two guitars on stage.
The best of the whole trip, however, was that my sub-chorionic bleed has fully resolved itself and I can exercise as much as I want again. We had our second ultra-sound on 10/2 and little tillema is growing a lot! We heard the heart beat and saw the hands and feet! I am going to go ahead and post two of the ultrasound pics here and catch all of you up more later. We got home late last night after picking up Cider at my brother's house in Lexington and we have tons to do before the week starts.
Monday, September 29, 2008
9 Week Update
Hello Everyone!
Well, I was supposed to have a follow up ultrasound this past Friday, but when Jan-Mendelt and I showed up there had been a scheduling problem due the death of one of the ultrasound techs, so I was rescheduled for this Thursday. That means that I do not have any news on that front just yet. In other doctor-related news, I did have my bloodwork done last week so that is at least one more thing I can take off my to do list.
JM was on call Friday, so I had dinner with two friends and then caught a Midpoint Musical Festival Show. I figure that I have to take advantage of my free time while I still have it. I know that our lives are going to change drastically and that late nights out will have to go on the back burner for a while.
I am still totally exhausted, but other than that I feel that I am doing really well! I just go to bed a lot earlier than I used to!
JM and I are taking a vacation starting this Friday, 10/3. We are going to visit to my dad and little brother out in the bay area of California! We are also celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary there. It is hard to believe sometimes that we have been together since 1999!
JM never ceases to amaze me. He is kind and intelligent and always makes me laugh. I am so lucky to have him in my life, and our little tillema is especially lucky to have him as a father! JM is going to be a wonderful father. (He had a great role model!)
I promise I will update as soon as I have the ultrasound tomorrow at 2:00.
Wish all three of us luck!
PS-My weekly pregnancy e-mail from this week informed me that little tillema is now the size of a grape!
Well, I was supposed to have a follow up ultrasound this past Friday, but when Jan-Mendelt and I showed up there had been a scheduling problem due the death of one of the ultrasound techs, so I was rescheduled for this Thursday. That means that I do not have any news on that front just yet. In other doctor-related news, I did have my bloodwork done last week so that is at least one more thing I can take off my to do list.
JM was on call Friday, so I had dinner with two friends and then caught a Midpoint Musical Festival Show. I figure that I have to take advantage of my free time while I still have it. I know that our lives are going to change drastically and that late nights out will have to go on the back burner for a while.
I am still totally exhausted, but other than that I feel that I am doing really well! I just go to bed a lot earlier than I used to!
JM and I are taking a vacation starting this Friday, 10/3. We are going to visit to my dad and little brother out in the bay area of California! We are also celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary there. It is hard to believe sometimes that we have been together since 1999!
JM never ceases to amaze me. He is kind and intelligent and always makes me laugh. I am so lucky to have him in my life, and our little tillema is especially lucky to have him as a father! JM is going to be a wonderful father. (He had a great role model!)
I promise I will update as soon as I have the ultrasound tomorrow at 2:00.
Wish all three of us luck!
PS-My weekly pregnancy e-mail from this week informed me that little tillema is now the size of a grape!
Friday, September 19, 2008
7 1/2 Week Update
Goede Morgen!
I just wanted to come on and write a little update about what is going on this week. I was so excited after the ultrasound last Friday and everything seemed to be going great (it still is!), but unfortunately I got a call from one of the nurses at my doctor's office who informed me that the ultrasound showed "subchorionic bleeding" and that I had to take it easy for the next few weeks. I have been so committed to doing yoga and exercising on my elliptical machine and walking Cider at least twice a day, that I felt pretty bummed that I am not supposed to do any of those things for a while. I want to stay strong and healthy during this pregnancy. More than worrying about what I can or cannot do, I have been feeling very worried about the baby and I felt really scared when I got the call. I discussed this situation with my good friend Phoebe (one of JM's colleagues) and of course with JM. It is a common occurrence in almost 30% of pregnant women and should go away on its own. There aren't any medical solutions to the problem, it is just a "wait and see" situation. I cried a little Tuesday night because I was feeling sad and scared and JM was stuck in the hospital overnight. However, I woke up Wednesday feeling a lot better and I am positive that everything will work out and that we have a healthy little tillema in May!
I already knew that something was going on because I had been "spotting" for two weeks. This is why my OB ordered an early ultrasound. The positivity must be working, because I have not had ANY spotting since Tuesday afternoon!! I am going to continue to take it easy for a few weeks to ensure that both little tillema and I are doing well. (By the way - the condition I have causes me to bleed, not the baby.)
Other than this situation and feeling very very tired by the end of the day, I am feeling really great. I have barely had any nausea and for the most part, I have had energy to do things with JM and with our friends.
I also started to knit a hat for little tillema last week. When I am finished with it, I will post a picture on this site.
There will definitely be more to come!
I just wanted to come on and write a little update about what is going on this week. I was so excited after the ultrasound last Friday and everything seemed to be going great (it still is!), but unfortunately I got a call from one of the nurses at my doctor's office who informed me that the ultrasound showed "subchorionic bleeding" and that I had to take it easy for the next few weeks. I have been so committed to doing yoga and exercising on my elliptical machine and walking Cider at least twice a day, that I felt pretty bummed that I am not supposed to do any of those things for a while. I want to stay strong and healthy during this pregnancy. More than worrying about what I can or cannot do, I have been feeling very worried about the baby and I felt really scared when I got the call. I discussed this situation with my good friend Phoebe (one of JM's colleagues) and of course with JM. It is a common occurrence in almost 30% of pregnant women and should go away on its own. There aren't any medical solutions to the problem, it is just a "wait and see" situation. I cried a little Tuesday night because I was feeling sad and scared and JM was stuck in the hospital overnight. However, I woke up Wednesday feeling a lot better and I am positive that everything will work out and that we have a healthy little tillema in May!
I already knew that something was going on because I had been "spotting" for two weeks. This is why my OB ordered an early ultrasound. The positivity must be working, because I have not had ANY spotting since Tuesday afternoon!! I am going to continue to take it easy for a few weeks to ensure that both little tillema and I are doing well. (By the way - the condition I have causes me to bleed, not the baby.)
Other than this situation and feeling very very tired by the end of the day, I am feeling really great. I have barely had any nausea and for the most part, I have had energy to do things with JM and with our friends.
I also started to knit a hat for little tillema last week. When I am finished with it, I will post a picture on this site.
There will definitely be more to come!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Little Tillema Has a Heartbeat!!!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
First OB appointment!!!
Hello Everyone!
I am so nervous and excited for my first OB appointment tomorrow. My appointment is at 10:40 and I am looking forward to everything that I will learn. I will definitely keep all of you updated with the results of this appointment.
On another baby front, this summer two of Jan-Mendelt's colleagues had babies. Michael was born in July and little Julia was born yesterday. We went to the hospital to visit Julia and her parents Chris and Angela, and while we were there Corinne, Chike and Michael showed up. It was great to see how everyone is doing. Michael is a very healthy and constantly hungry baby. Julia is brand new and was fairly exhausted from her entrance into the world.
Angela was feeling exhausted after a long shift in the Emergency Department the night before. She arrived home at midnight and at 12:40 her water broke! Julia was born around 6:30 am. Everyone is doing great and I feel grateful that I will be able to call upon both new moms for advice.
Wish me luck tomorrow!
I am so nervous and excited for my first OB appointment tomorrow. My appointment is at 10:40 and I am looking forward to everything that I will learn. I will definitely keep all of you updated with the results of this appointment.
On another baby front, this summer two of Jan-Mendelt's colleagues had babies. Michael was born in July and little Julia was born yesterday. We went to the hospital to visit Julia and her parents Chris and Angela, and while we were there Corinne, Chike and Michael showed up. It was great to see how everyone is doing. Michael is a very healthy and constantly hungry baby. Julia is brand new and was fairly exhausted from her entrance into the world.
Angela was feeling exhausted after a long shift in the Emergency Department the night before. She arrived home at midnight and at 12:40 her water broke! Julia was born around 6:30 am. Everyone is doing great and I feel grateful that I will be able to call upon both new moms for advice.
Wish me luck tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
News of Gigantically Tiny Proportions
I have some pretty huge news to share today.
Yesterday JM and I had plans to celebrate our dear friend Phoebe's birthday with her at a local bar/restaurant called Coco's. Normally, I would be excited about hanging out with my friends chatting over a few drinks, but yesterday I did not really feel that excited about it. The day started out fairly ordinary minus the fact that I had been totally preoccupied with thoughts of my late period. JM and I had been throwing all caution to the wind for 6 months and were letting nature its course. Each month I would freak out before a night out with our friends, taking a pregnancy test, just in case, because of course alcohol is not good for a baby. Each month, however, the test would come out negative and I would chock up all my intuition to insanity and then proceed to hit the streets searching out a great cosmopolitan, beer, glass of wine, etc.
Yesterday was different though. I was two days late, exhausted, and had some seriously sore boobs. I mean really sore. Even with all of these early "pregnancy" symptoms, I was still unsure about the possibility of actually being pregnant, but knew that I should check just in case before hitting the birthday celebration. I mean 5 months in a row of nothing - I figured it would just take some time to get pregnant and I was really okay with that. That is not to say that I wasn't disappointed when I saw the negative results of all those other pregnancy tests I had taken over the last months, simply that I figured no stress was better and that I could just let the cards fall as they may. It is hard not to be a little disappointed when you have a husband like mine (a pediatric neurology resident with a penchant for babies!!!) who has been ready to have a baby for a long while now. I, on the other hand, took a little more convincing.
On my much needed Target run yesterday afternoon, I decided that I should buy some more tests so that I could take one before leaving for the soiree that evening. My friend Sara was with me and she kept me (thankfully!) from taking the test in the restroom at Target. When we got to her place I tried to relax, but I had to take the test right away. I just couldn't wait any longer. I think deep down I knew what the result would be, but I really needed to confirm it.
So, I took the test and before I could even physically get out of Sara's restroom and back into her kitchen where she was making us a snack, there it was. Two blue lines indicating a positive test result. In that one second my entire life has changed. JM was still at work and I did not want to tell him over the phone, so I waited with Sara until JM called me to ask where I was. I told him that I would be home in 10 minutes. With my hands shaky and the look of a deer caught in the headlights, I made my way home.
When I pulled into the driveway, I quickly ran from the car to the house with the positive result in my hand. JM was upstairs in the bathroom (he had taken a shower after riding his bike home from work). I decided to ask him, "Hey, do you know what this means?" as I handed him the test. With that we both erupted into tears, laughter and shock. JM jumped up and down for 5 minutes and picked me up and swung me around in sheer exultation of the news. He is so excited and so happy that he is finally going to have a child. It is amazing to see the joy in his eyes. Today he sent me a text message from work saying simply, "I can't stop smiling. I love you."
So, yes, we are officially pregnant, though it is still very very very early (4 weeks). I mean I just missed my period! I already had an ob/gyn appointment for the 11th of September, which I will keep so that they can confirm the big fat positive! I plan on telling family and a few close friends right away, but I think I will wait to tell everyone else until the end of the first trimester, just in case.
I am ecstatic, terrified, overjoyed and shocked all at the same time. Wish us luck and hopefully over the next months I will be able to share some of my experiences with all of you.
Yesterday JM and I had plans to celebrate our dear friend Phoebe's birthday with her at a local bar/restaurant called Coco's. Normally, I would be excited about hanging out with my friends chatting over a few drinks, but yesterday I did not really feel that excited about it. The day started out fairly ordinary minus the fact that I had been totally preoccupied with thoughts of my late period. JM and I had been throwing all caution to the wind for 6 months and were letting nature its course. Each month I would freak out before a night out with our friends, taking a pregnancy test, just in case, because of course alcohol is not good for a baby. Each month, however, the test would come out negative and I would chock up all my intuition to insanity and then proceed to hit the streets searching out a great cosmopolitan, beer, glass of wine, etc.
Yesterday was different though. I was two days late, exhausted, and had some seriously sore boobs. I mean really sore. Even with all of these early "pregnancy" symptoms, I was still unsure about the possibility of actually being pregnant, but knew that I should check just in case before hitting the birthday celebration. I mean 5 months in a row of nothing - I figured it would just take some time to get pregnant and I was really okay with that. That is not to say that I wasn't disappointed when I saw the negative results of all those other pregnancy tests I had taken over the last months, simply that I figured no stress was better and that I could just let the cards fall as they may. It is hard not to be a little disappointed when you have a husband like mine (a pediatric neurology resident with a penchant for babies!!!) who has been ready to have a baby for a long while now. I, on the other hand, took a little more convincing.
On my much needed Target run yesterday afternoon, I decided that I should buy some more tests so that I could take one before leaving for the soiree that evening. My friend Sara was with me and she kept me (thankfully!) from taking the test in the restroom at Target. When we got to her place I tried to relax, but I had to take the test right away. I just couldn't wait any longer. I think deep down I knew what the result would be, but I really needed to confirm it.
So, I took the test and before I could even physically get out of Sara's restroom and back into her kitchen where she was making us a snack, there it was. Two blue lines indicating a positive test result. In that one second my entire life has changed. JM was still at work and I did not want to tell him over the phone, so I waited with Sara until JM called me to ask where I was. I told him that I would be home in 10 minutes. With my hands shaky and the look of a deer caught in the headlights, I made my way home.
When I pulled into the driveway, I quickly ran from the car to the house with the positive result in my hand. JM was upstairs in the bathroom (he had taken a shower after riding his bike home from work). I decided to ask him, "Hey, do you know what this means?" as I handed him the test. With that we both erupted into tears, laughter and shock. JM jumped up and down for 5 minutes and picked me up and swung me around in sheer exultation of the news. He is so excited and so happy that he is finally going to have a child. It is amazing to see the joy in his eyes. Today he sent me a text message from work saying simply, "I can't stop smiling. I love you."
So, yes, we are officially pregnant, though it is still very very very early (4 weeks). I mean I just missed my period! I already had an ob/gyn appointment for the 11th of September, which I will keep so that they can confirm the big fat positive! I plan on telling family and a few close friends right away, but I think I will wait to tell everyone else until the end of the first trimester, just in case.
I am ecstatic, terrified, overjoyed and shocked all at the same time. Wish us luck and hopefully over the next months I will be able to share some of my experiences with all of you.
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