Friday, August 20, 2010

A long overdue update


This is mostly for Jen, who loves to give me jobs to do, like updating my blog. She lovingly pointed out to me that I have not posted anything since April. So here goes...
It has been one long hot summer here in the midwest. I am feeling happy that August is coming to a close, and we are all looking forward to autumn. The leaves changing, a warm chai latte, maybe a fire in the fireplace. This all sounds fabulous right now.
Work has been very busy for both JM and I over the last few months. I moved to a new office in April and my former boss left our organization. I ended up with not one, but two new bosses. Yesterday I submitted a 25 page large foundation grant proposal that I have been slaving over for the past month. I am elated to have it in and happy to say that I wrote most of the document myself. Yeah!!! Keep your fingers crossed that my organization receives the funding!!!

JM has spent the summer interviewing in San Francisco, Boston, and Rochester for fellowship jobs that would begin next summer. He has a lot of options of the table and now we have to sift through all of the pros and cons to make the best decision for his career and our family. We will see. More to come on that when we know something definitive.

Aidan is growing up so quickly! He has had a great summer learning to say adorable 15 month old things like, eeewwww, uh oh spaghetti-o, bye, doggy, kitty cat, choo choo, and most recently thank you!!!! Manners at 15 months! I can hardly believe it. Yesterday, I reached into the back seat to give him a graham cracker and he sweetly replied, "thank you!" He just had his 15 month check up and wow is he in the middle of a growth spurt. He is now 33 inches tall (90%), 27 pounds (75%), and the head of his is off the charts gigantic. I have been buying his fall clothes, and Oma Kentucky bought him a new pair of sneakers. 6 1/2 extra wide. He has the biggest feet I have ever seen on a 15 month old.

Hope everyone is well and that your summers have been wonderful.

